World is full of words and we all argue up to our most when ever we get a chance..but don't you feel that our words do like antibiotics that they do not work when they have to be a saviour for us...personally I feel so......may be u too.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Balancing Terror
Politics have never been clean in India but its growing worse by day. In the new political system on the name of secularism they can balance every thing...even the terrorist. As the name of a Hindu activist Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur has come in Malegaon blasts it is a breeze for the pseudo secular political community, for whom it's like their dream come true to prove that the other terrorist activities are more of a retaliation rather than terror attack by the other community. In background of this they want to curtain the baseline support to such terrorists by their community and indirectly by them for some votes which is no where in Hindus of India..
Today..Tomorrow...n No-Tomorrow

Some live in today...some for better tomorrow and other for after life...but this race for today, tomorrow and even after don't let us stay happy at any point of time. I feel human by its nature is a unsatisfied creature who is always worried for one or the other reason. If he is not happy, he feels why is it with him, if he is happy he feel this is of no mean unless his future is full of happiness and slowly with the age and some time even before once he gets out of desires of happiness for his today and tomorrow the new worry of good after life comes with him and finally he remains unhappy in this kind-of his shadow chasing event.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Soul of Terrorism
A big debate is going on all around the world over terrorism and its support and growth in society. And in last few years the way people of a particular religious belief have been found to be involved and supporting the terrorism the question comes that whether every person of that community should be seen as a terrorist or why all terrorist are from the same community. The way hatred and alignment has increased for this community all round the world as aftermath its right time to make a serious call among the people from this community to realign themselves in the society. Start condemning the people involved in such activities on bigger stages and unto depth and give a support by not allowing any terrorist activity in and around them.
Middle Class Love Stories Crafted with High Class Knits
When it comes to love, people say it has no bar of age, riches, race or religion, but it’s truer on reel life rather than real life. And also when it comes to love life people don’t forget to index their success rate. The real life love stories definitely get boost from reel life where all comforts of life and a unidirectional problem guide the success at the end but it’s not the same for the real one. The complex relation of love in real life faces problem not just from outside world but also the challenges of sustenance for overwhelming love in between all the problems of love. In such situation one without solid foundation looses its vigor by time and only remains the wretches of sweet memories of past and in between this all, the all what is blamed is love…love which was probably not there if seen exactly.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Global Thoughts Local Priorities

World is becoming smaller day by day with the thought of globalization in all walks of life but is this thought growing in a healthier way. The tendency to question has grown, grown so much in the democracy like India that politician and there counterpart media is not even hesitant to question the sacrifice of martyr...and to look global even talking about the larger group interest has become crime...You can't talk of Hindu rights since they are majority, on the same time a big group is ready to question the apprehension of terrorists because they are from a minority group. Talking of hindu is communilism, and supporting a terrorist only because he is muslim is nohow a communal call. Standards are fixed and applicable in all areas of decision making; to look neutral close you eye and blindly support the smaller group irrespective of right and wrong.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Likes, Dislikes and Mean to be Nothing
Life in itself is the biggest examination where we are tested for all orientation. Sometime we enjoy being there to share happiness, the other time satisfied to share the pain. Sometime we exaggerate out of sorrow of not being there for the happy time, the other time we disown the pain. The emerging vanishing relations in this play of life blow it out even more. In last days, some of those instances and people have made me look life in different paradigm. Relations which are don’t know how much own, people all looking for their own chance to play, No emotion, no submission, everything is opportunity rest all is Nothing.
Again life is becoming robotic for me again; people already started noticing that change.
Again life is becoming robotic for me again; people already started noticing that change.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Flatter World and Thicker Wall

Was reading a journal article over Blogs, censorship and civic discourse in China to prevent political activism against current systems and for democracy, but the the issue of censorship is not just limited to some anarchic rulers but also with several institutions worldwide who filter and censor the Internet browsing in there facility on the name of policy and privacy which creates lot of annoyance and misinformation among the users. The freedom to choose and morality to deliver the job are always there as natural filter for everyone there. I don't think any restrictions anyhow guide people for their way and approach towards life and access to world by any means. The high speed internet all around the globe and the other means of communications have definitely made the world more flatter and in every one's reach, but on the same time the way hatred has increased because of many socioeconomic reasons, this new flatter world is looking to be more and more compartmentalised by walls of increased thickness of that all.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Impossible is As Possible
Its a mile stone day on my blog today as of completion of fourth eventful year but the buzz of Gandhi is still around us, not just because of the day but also because of happenings all around. Day-today bomb-blast news has dried not just our eyes but also the heart which is becoming more or less accustomed to all odds. World economy is on other side at its bad days and people in India still in deception even after 60years of freedom, ready to believe all rumours and get in panic out of it. You must be thinking, But what Gandhi has to do with this all? may you be true but I'm afraid you are not this time. Gandhi had not fought against the imperialism, not even for the self governance...his fight was against our own. The own which differentiates between self and non-self, which wad full of apprehension rather than awareness or understanding of something. His fight against the own was named non-voilence since voilance was the most executed form of it but not the last and it will continue till any form of own will remain with us, unless untill that become we. Its a great target and we all have to work to make it true. Its not that everything is poosible in this world, but we should also give chance to impossible.
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