In India it a common saying for people, A rope cannot loose its twists, even if it is burnt. Sitting as a distant observer of relationships dynamics in surrounding past, and placing this lines, I spontaneously add...but it ages and thats even worse than burning. But than the question comes, can something prevent this ageing or this again an ultimate truth like one said in Bhagwad Gita. Change always raise a question in my mind initially, but I don't know something I don't find things pleasant and can't stop them either. I feel the reducing intensity, twists are loosening, it ageing!
World is full of words and we all argue up to our most when ever we get a chance..but don't you feel that our words do like antibiotics that they do not work when they have to be a saviour for us...personally I feel so......may be u too.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Life in safari
I was just thinking about my unstable establishment since I left my home at Mau in year 2000. It's the 12th year now and the 9th city of the world and more than twice of that is the flat where I have lived. 3 places in Varanasi, 6 places in Allahabad during 5 years, 2 places in Kanpur and 3 in Hyderabad before leaving India. After that in next destination Delft 2 places, 3 in Amsterdam, and last one in Leiden before leaving Netherlands. Now I am in Ghent, Belgium living in temporary accommodation so the next place will add in the coming months to this town as well. It's certainly not an achievement, but an adventure with lot of troubles as well.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Holi Memories
Its Holi today in India but just another day for me here in Ghent. Day started with listening on TV that Holi is nomore as glorious as before. I don't know how much true it is certainly reminded me of memories of Holi. We were not a extreme Holi fans ever which sells most in eastern UP in form of vulgar bhajpuri songs and coloring people people with worst-possible colour, but we had its own form at home. We used to prepare colors at home, and after colouring eachother we start throwing it on the street people. But the after Holi chaos of the morning changes into the symmetry of the evening. The families from the area dressed with clotes made of same fabric print come out of there house to see eachother as if teams are walking around. I don't remember we also were part of such system ever but it was really funny. Whatever, we with a packet of Gulal used to walk to Shiva temple in nearby Sharasvati Sishu Mandir campus and then to our Gurubaba. Same route every year, same people every year; nothing used to change except we growing up to leave the place one after one. With lots of torturous years between, now its the same day today and nobody except my father is there to walk on those paths without us accompanying him.
Sunday, March 04, 2012
The missed call

Somehow I believe that, freedom of India was nothing more a transfer of power and nothing as such Independence was achieved that day. My belief lies on those many unaddressed calls which should have been taken by ours so called government in least few years of declared independence. One such call was empowering our native languages. Living abroad for few years and meeting people of different nationalities, I found how competent the people with there learning in native languages are, in terms of there fundamentals and scientific skill. They are the people who have ruled the world of science and technology without reading american books but there own native language book. From Germany, Russia to the civil war countries from form Yugoslavia and now conspicuous China, story is the same. We as a country of multi-lingual but highly knowledge honouring society at that time have completely not just ignored this point but push the imperial thought which should have left the country along with last ship of Britishers. And the most of all which suffered in this was our development as a knowledge based society. The confidence lacking basic learning in scientific subjects for generations thereafter is limited to the content rather than essence. Thats how the new generation prefers to work for American software companies and BPO but fails to carry the confidence to create the same degree of challenging technologies which it should have, being part of the bigger supporting crowd. To divert the focus from this need, the debate was created on the name on hindi or non-hindi which shows the swallow thought of our policy-makers. The divided country never learnt to learn everything in there own mother tongue to benefit the society, let it be in hindi, tamil, telgu or anything and generation by generation loosing its identity of torch-bearer of global-knowledge.
So, it is just one of the missed calls which Governments in India should have taken, but they are busy importing shops of American universities in India which can create some more manpower for the rest of the world machinery to run doesn't matter own machinery fails.
PS: I am not Anti-American, but a believer that we in India need to achieve a greater sense of self-reliance for the so called "Independence" which is celebrated every year on 15th August.
Thursday, March 01, 2012
Rings were never a common thing for my finger unlike for majority of Indians for superstitious reason. This doesn't mean that I have never been superstitious but somehow I never found it comfortable. Now, when I am married, it's part of identity and people often see it to find that I'm married. But, whatever was there, nothing has changed in me from that aspect; it used to bite me earlier and it bites me even now. And, thats how I often decide I am not going to put it anymore, and keep it aside. But then in hours later I realise its back in my finger and I cannot recall what moment I put it back. I feel surpised, and think why didn't it bited me this hour. I smile on myself, feel myself "ringed" and try to forget, before it starts itching again.
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