Achievements have no limits and so does the dis- achievement. We all think of even bigger than what we have with us. And that’s the human tendency which makes us to get greater height all time and this is the greatness of humanity. Professionalism is getting into life and giving new definitions to relations of heart even. Now packaged idealism is flowing into our home through television and all sources what it can and we are easily enjoying it like a addict …But where is this rat race going to end, beating heart has to face a fatigue…Known mind still can’t get out in it and how can? I am a human…
Chehre pe mal raha hoon syahi naseeb ki
Aeena haath mein hai sikander nahi hoon mai....
Manaa ki mustekhak se bardh kar nahi hoon mai...
Lekin hwaa ke rehmo- karam pe nahi hoon mai...
(mirza galib)
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