In a time when Life is tiresome for everyone running behind money, one sweet memory of innocence I used to bear in childhood revitalize me. I was not a son of some Dhirubhai or Enistein having innovative idea, the innovative idea of making money which fascinates every age (
I hope will facinate me in future too, which i don't know), but I had my own way. I don't know it was genuinely my own but its was surely well nourished and fueled by my elder brother who was the sole benifiter of my vigilant dream. In my childhood when ever my mother used to give me
paisa (usually while going to office, n i used to stay at home) my brother used to come with the idea of
Money Plant. It was nothing great but in absence of everyone we unite to sow that
paisa to get that so called
money plant which will make me millionaire one day! only to pluck
paisa like we used to pluck other flowers everyday from the same garden. I regularly and with full belief kept sowing plant when ever I got a chance without any care that my last attempt had failed n kept on going until this worldly lure made me change the mode of expenses; expenses on toffees-chocolates-icecreams and lot many. But this question always remained unanswered that where those
paisa where going which i used to plant and got answer one day when my brother reveled the story in his background. He used to take out
paisa in my absence and place a plant on the same location without root to call me n show. My pleasure nad dream used to acheive the peak but, a plant without root will have what fate? It used to dry after sometime, leaving a message for me; Well! sometime next...will surely get success one day.
Great memories of childhood...lot many! countless!!!
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