Looking into my acquaintances what people do for me on Dosti ke naam par....
-some still call me once or twice in a month or two.
-some try to prove that they miss me.
-some feel that some part of there monthly recharge is to be discharged by calling me to prove friendship.
-some don't forget to talk to me in chat if they find me.
-some pretend that they were all in thought of calling me only, as i called.
-some scrap on some occasions and keep forwarding there junk in my mailbox.
-some send sms funny jokes to share the moment.
-some keep waiting till I call and start talking like they themselves have called me and had well ready with idea what all to talk about and what all to ask for in the short call.
-some don't forget to remind me about what all are my responsibility since I have been friendly to...
Whatever, but everyone has something or other for the name of friendship to serve
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