India or atleast Delhi is shaken and thus awake for last two weeks in view of brutal rape case. No rape is less brutal anyway but this was somehow made people think that, this is not good! No, socially and morally straight person will say so either. But, the million dollar question in my mind these days is that are we really serious about it, or does it really reflects our personal enlightenment or is it just a wisdom of crowd. I might be sounding very pessimistic but let me tell that I am very happy that people have come out of their houses to protest I still don't believe it. People are angry that our police stations are not working, our courts a slow and our laws are loose for rapists, but I have question from the society that, are we the people are serious about it. Rapists don't come from other planet neither they run away to other planet after committing the crime. They live between you and me and between the people protesting all across the India before and after the crime and everyone knows them, accept them socially as brother, son, husband, friend and business partners and go to worse to reward them. Is it cure all about police station, court and laws? Humans are social animal; a complete social boycott would have been worse than castration of such devils and would have solved the problem internally, but it never happens. We certainly need better laws and its enforcement, but I believe as long as it doesn't happens law alone can't stop such evil.
World is full of words and we all argue up to our most when ever we get a chance..but don't you feel that our words do like antibiotics that they do not work when they have to be a saviour for us...personally I feel so......may be u too.
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