The concept of 4th dimension by Einstein and currently by Hawkins is not as old as the 3-D world and has lot much uncertainty but even 3-D world is not properly solved. The nonlinearity of real systems and the complexities of the natural approximations are although better defined now but very often when we have to go through the real model of the system we find that the mathematics which we have developed through hard work and genius effort of many known and lot many anonymous pathfinders is still not sufficient and sometime if saying truly “blunt and futile”.May be me not the fully capable body to make such a comment but most of the time when I see into different biological system in biochemical, metabolic and various engineering processes and I need to define or to make mathematical model of it most often I find that it is highly imperfect and mostly because of unavailability of a suitably correlating mathematical template for it. Although much help has been done by the tools like MATLAB and the new generation fuzzy and genetic algorithm in defining a system to a better degree of approximation in new mathematics but still lot more work is needed to be done.
1 comment :
my digging for the 4th dimension today brought me across my own blog after more than 2 yrs; amazing!
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