Sucess has its own taste, and the most universal one. but every sucess has a sweated labour and the most importantly the motivation bihind it but the most wasted question lies in the depth of the sucess that, what is the source of this motivation for a adult? Its a inner consience or someting else. This thought come into mind while reading a interview of Jhon Abraham wh was saying that money has nothing to do with his motivation. He may be true or may not be. But is it possible for a world where years ago was written that "Dhanad-dharmam-tatah-sukam" in sankrit litratrature to say that money is nothing to matter about.I feel its pretty hard to image of it and some time a arrogant statement. Infact Happy in new world has its one way through money...there are few things which money can't buy......
1 comment :
Well if u ask me about motivation and inspiration then I would say too... that it cant be compared by any physical means or accomplishments. Its a drive.. a belief in some thing or someone. Just my 2 cent worth ;-)
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