Many times people around me make me feel like that I am very different from others but don’t know it leads to a very weird kind a feeling in me, a feeling to be very alone in this world! Some say, I am very complex, some say I take things too easy and straight forward, others question, why so critical at many instances????...it’s too much confusing and mind boggling to think it all and often very much ironic at same time. I got a call today, a friend telling such kind of things, told to him by someone today which has surprised me for all about once again. Any how now when I am on net, reading and commenting to blog of others I find that atleast I am not a lone thinker of my kind and probably I am between peoples with other kind of life shade and who aren’t able to understand me. Thus a feeling of not alone is atleast good and sufficient for me and definitely a confidence building.
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