World is full of words and we all argue up to our most when ever we get a chance..but don't you feel that our words do like antibiotics that they do not work when they have to be a saviour for us...personally I feel so......may be u too.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Heal it or hatch it

Monday, October 02, 2006
Rediscovering Yourself
The year clock has gone a complete round today at my blog and the question is the same where it started as the occasion is same, The Gandhi Jayanti. The matter of happiness for me is that the mission I started alone for discovering ourself, discovering the Gandhiji in ourself has grown much more. The amazing thing I found in all this time is that people have more belief over others eyes. I have seen that getting the old wine in new bottle in Munna Bhai-II the respect for Gandhiji has grown as people can see what Gandhi has to do with common man even today. But the lesson of Gandhi will always be incomplete till it gets into the heart and mind of everyone. Till People learn to feel the pain of others in themselves, learn to become Indian. Anyway Mission carry through with hopes of a better time always…
Friday, September 29, 2006
Last Page of My Notebook

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Shivering Tears

Life has several reasons to be firm, and should say need to be strong at most occassions to be, a man. But, in the race of showing manhood it curtains the the persons own emotions. Tears not only show a pain but also lessen the worries of one while putting other person to think again n again.
See It Like This...

Monday, July 17, 2006
Pillar in a Pinhole
One more thing is which would like to ask these people that, did you ever visited Babri Masjid, I had been there when it was there and had seen it. I must tell you that, when it was there it was just a structure in memory of barbarous act of Babar not a Masjid because a large Lord Ram's statue was kept there in the building and people used to come there and pray. I think it’s a shame for any Muslim structure as it was against the basic laws of Islam, so better got demolished. And the way lots many Masjids in India have been founded in history are also example of religious terrorism by Muslims, Should a COMMON HINDU SUPPORT ANOTHER TERRORISM FOR THE CAUSE. Answer is definitely NO and you know it better.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Night Before Darkness

Jo Admi Bhi Mila, Istehaar Bankar Mila.
These lines by Saharyaar written for Mumbai is very true in the commercial capital of India where everyone looks to be moving without caring of other, with a very fixed selfish interest. But this sprit shivered, the movement stopped n also the selfish interest with not one or two but 7 major bomb blast in Mumbai life-line, the local trains. The city with people like istehar for the time come forward and showed cooperation and helping hand in such a time which was simply beyond kudos! People with sleeping humanity, waked up to get out of the darkness of trouble! trouble which had no relation between them except humanity for a new day light!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Memories Returned

I had something lost 12 years back, something forgotten to find ever. It had never imagined of it being back! But it turned back to me…It was amazed when one of my friend and class mate at 6th level wrote me back after 12 years through orkut when he is in Jadavpur University. It took me few mail conversations to identify him! Well I finally identified him but the most amazing thing for me was the cause he identified me. Earlier while he left the school at that time I had said him that ‘No one remembers anyone, it’s a race to reach first all where, and no one have time to look back to find those whom he lost in his life journey’. He said this was something really unexpectedly deep philosophical words said to him by a 6th class guy which although he just heard at that time but kept me in his memories for ever since then. I was amazed-stunned listener to him when he called me.
Monday, July 10, 2006
The Golden Catling

Time when AAIMS is celebrating its Golden Jubilee Year it is getting in political shadow again and again! Earlier it was reservation and now the autonomous status. The way the autonomous status of AAIMS is been tried to shackled is an alarm of all the institutions in India who have a have nonpolitical iconic status in their field. They way Mr. Health Minister is behaving is not going to stop and now after loosing his ground at AAIMS after court interventions his eagle eyes are on MCI. In the time when condition of health and sanitation is so poor in all around India at basic level Mr. Health Minister has no time or reason to do some good for them. The lack of doctors and the hospitals and more over the presence of the staff in the existing hospitals is no matter of worry for the ministry instead he looks to be more interested in the well going and already well guided institutions. He should realize that the real India reaches to AAIMS not just because it has the world class medical facilities and credibility, but also because of lack of proper medical facilities at ground level which is his responsibility too.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Jargon Of Life

Monday, May 22, 2006
The Great Indian Puppet Show!

Reservations for what???

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
'Gandhi's Principle of Peace Was Bogus' :: Gopal Godse
Fifty-two years ago, on Jan. 30, 1948, MohandasGandhi was shot dead by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu extremist. Godse believed that the Mahatma, or great soul, was responsible for the 1947 partition of India and the creation of Pakistan. Godse and his friend Narayan Apte were hanged. His brother Gopal and two others were sentenced to life imprisonment for their part in the conspiracy. Gopal Godse remained in jail for 18 years and now, at 80, lives with his wife in a small apartment in Pune. He is still proud of his role in the murder. Although Godse is largely ignored in India and rarely talks to journalists, he agreed to speak with TIME Delhi correspondent MeenakshiGanguly.
TIME: What happened in January 1948?
Godse: On Jan. 20, Madanlal Pahwa exploded a bomb at Gandhi's prayer meetingin Delhi. It was 50 m away from Gandhi. [The other conspirators] all ran away from the place. Madanlal was caught there. Then there was a tension in our minds that we had to finish the task before the police caught us. Then Nathuram [Gopal's brother] took it on himself to do the thing. We only wanted destiny to help us -- meaning we should not be caught on the spot before he acted.
TIME: Why did you want to kill Gandhi?
Godse: Gandhi was a hypocrite. Even after the massacre of the Hindus by the Muslims, he was happy. The more the massacres of the Hindus, the taller his flag of secularism.
TIME: Did you ever see Gandhi?
Godse: Yes.
TIME: Did you attend his meetings?
Godse: Yes.
TIME: Can you explain how he created his mass following?
Godse: The credit goes to him for maneuvering the media. He captured the press. That was essential. How Gandhi walked, when he smiled, how he waved -- all these minor details that the people did not require were imposed upon them to create an atmosphere around Gandhi. And the more ignorant the mass, the more popular was Gandhi. So they always tried to keep the masses ignorant.
TIME: But surely it takes more than good publicity to create a Gandhi?
Godse: There is another thing. Generally in the Indian masses, people are attracted toward saintism. Gandhi was shrewd to use his saintdom for politics. After his death the government used him. The government knew that he was an enemy of Hindus, but they wanted to show that he was a staunch Hindu. So the first act they did was to put "Hey Ram" into Gandhi's dead mouth.
TIME: You mean that he did not say "Hey Ram" as he died?
Godse: No, he did not say it. You see, it was an automatic pistol. It had a magazine for nine bullets but there were actually seven at that time. And once you pull the trigger, within a second, all the seven bullets had passed. When these bullets pass through crucial points like the heart, consciousness is finished. You have no strength. When Nathuram saw Gandhi was coming, he took out the pistol and folded hishands with the pistol inside it. There was one girl very close to Gandhi. He feared that he would hurt the girl. So he went forward and with his left hand pushed her aside and shot. It happened within one second. You see, there was a film and some Kingsley fellow had acted as Gandhi. Someone asked me whether Gandhi said, "Hey Ram." I said Kingsley did say it. But Gandhi did not. Because that was not a drama.
TIME: Many people think Gandhi deserved to be nominated TIME's Person of the Century. [He was one of two runners-up, after Albert Einstein.]
Godse: I name him the most cruel person for Hindus in India. The most cruel person! That is how I term him.
TIME: Is that why Gandhi had to die?
Godse: Yes. For months he was advising Hindus that they must never be angry with the Muslims. What sort of ahimsa (non-violence) is this? His principle of peace was bogus. In any free country, a person like him would be shot dead officially because he was encouraging the Muslims to kill Hindus.
TIME: But his philosophy was of turning the other cheek. He felt one person had to stop the cycle of violence...
Godse: The world does not work that way.
TIME: Is there anything that you admire about Gandhi?
Godse: Firstly, the mass awakening that Gandhi did. In our school days Gandhi was our idol. Secondly, he removed the fear of prison. He said it is different to go into prison for a theft and different to go in for satyagraha (civil disobedience). As youngsters, we had our enthusiasm, but we needed some channel. We took Gandhi to be our channel. We don't repent for that.
TIME: Did you not admire his principles of non-violence?
Godse: Non-violence is not a principle at all. He did not follow it. Inpolitics you cannot follow non-violence. You cannot follow honesty. Every moment, you have to give a lie. Every moment you have to take a bullet in hand and kill someone. Why was he proved to be a hypocrite? Because he was in politics with his so-called principles. Is his non-violence followed anywhere? Not in the least. Nowhere.
TIME: What was the most difficult thing about killing Gandhi?
Godse: The greatest hurdle before us was not that of giving up our lives or going to the gallows. It was that we would be condemned both by the government and by the public. Because the public had been kept in the dark about what harm Gandhi had done to the nation. How he had fooled them!
TIME: Did the people condemn you?
Godse: Yes. People in general did. Because they had been kept ignorant.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Gandhiji and socialism

Mast Yogi Hai Ki Hum,
Sukh Dekh Kar Sabka Sukhi Hai/
Kuch Ajab Mann Hai Ki Hum,
Dookh Dekh Kar Sabka Dokhi Hai/
Any way people I have seen people blaming Gandhiji for delaying the Independence and questioning his socialism But I like to ask them what really they mean of Independence! Hatching there own interest without afraid of getting caught what has lead to a now a corrupt society? And what of socialism? To move toward the dead end of more political and rightly saying criminalization of society. India has not long before witnessed the socialism of Jai Prakash Narayan, and what all it headed toward? nothing but politics and criminalization. Every second criminal declared himself socialist the reformer of society with muscle power and entered into politics to gain the political power. That was what Gandhiji never wished for. His socialism was self reliant! no need of a contractor! It rises from the ground, from poor man’s hut not from barrel of gun! or a five star meeting for development! or a fight for reservation.

Pramod Mahajan is no more, but the massage on his desk saying, “No war is lost until your last ship is drowned”, kept him guiding till last breath. Like a true warrior he was not just a fighter but a Believer! Self believer! His chapter of life ended with same massage to fight till last breath. Although he lost his last fight but it’s a big teaching to all those believe that tough time is not long lasting and good time to back. Achievements are really something which is harvest of hard work and self belief. It is not like day dreaming, not even like box of tricks.
Competition for quality!

Quality is something most desirable in all walks of life and there are various sources for it. Some time its self guided decision to achieve an optimum level of quality but for other time it’s the peer pressure or the competition which draws us to achieve a standard. But this is not the all story of competition which is killer of quality sometime. Competition definitely, has a positive impact of drawing ‘people with greater emphasis to work’ to the place they deserve but it brings down who are moderate but and good in quality but not very professional about it; easy speaking, the fight of bulk and rusty but cheap product/service with that of less and finer so costly one.
Quality is something for which definitely no compromise can be done and so this race should be properly monitored and well guided. I remember one advice of Dr. Kalam, saying that competitions should not be made to eliminate people out of bulk to get a lesser number but should be like to derive out people most suitable and skilled for the purpose they are destined, either its administration or its R&D.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Business of fear

Trade and commerce is developing definately all round in the developing world and so thus the business in all respective fields. But there is one business which has grown up much beyond any other business in the world. And that is Business of Fear! When I say this I mean it to be all the activities going on the name of spritualism and unto the superstitions.
No doubt we have developed most in last 50 years in compare to the rate of last 2000 years of indian history, and so does the human worries. When worries are there, they always need a solution. This only need of solution have been harvested most by people who understand the fear and know how to encash it.
The need of hour is to develop at mental front and to combat such powers with strong willpower instead of becoming their victim.
Running Fast!

Life is a race! We all running for our noble causes, fast-very fast but towards the dead end. In this fast running life, where few gains are more important than several losses we don’t have the option to stop, can’t even think of it, will be regarded as cowardice act! And with our limited options we try to make our-self achiever of unknown, non-self world where most of our activities we have no reasons. So the only way remains is Running fast…Lets see how long…
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Where is moderator

Some say of god, some believe in self. Some say the Guru, and for rest it all like a comment "no comment" when you ask of who is the moderator and where? This is most mind-storming question comes to me all the time.
I personnaly feel that the entire system is much like a spider's net, where no single thread is the main stream how hard it is or what ever oreintation it has. It may shear out if you break or disbeleave one but it can never break it all. And if it is so, how can one be a moderator if he is a thread too. It is going too much complex, let me ease it out....if someone is moderator of all and than no one can go without him, and there is no chance of disbelief, no chance of disorder if he is true creator because no creator will like to get his creation curroupted.
Now the thread weaver is definately someone to who looks like God the supposed creater, but is he the someone creator may be for his own cause (again the matter of someone corrupted by power and ambition) than how he is moderater....too tough...trapped in net!
Monday, April 17, 2006
Fight For Self Intrest

Life has a purpose for all and it goes for achievement in all fields. No one wants, himself looking to be failing at any occasion, and thats right too. But, this all for what? No one other but mostly for ourself! and why is the all race there to portray self as a saint of humanity if this all prayer to please the self? The concept of maternal and eternal happiness only has guided everyone from Sansarik to Sansyashi! then where is the charity. Everyone busy in making his favour! no Gita! No Goodwill without expectation of gain!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Hard to be good too!

I really have a great time in last few months in HBTI and with a feeling of getting out of a hell! and getting back into community of good thinkers or should say thinkers like me. but still being here when i try to be a good person all the time i find that people have a very awkward response on my act of me what make me myself! an entity other probaly other than them. My vision of keeping thinking and action always straight and uncoiled is all time a matter of discussion between my friends sayings "this all will hurt you only some day"and "it all is n't too late be like us". I don't know how long i can go with my vision but can say only too all "I can't ask me to not to be myself, you do yours job and let me do mine and the whole world is not going for a selfish act."
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Reason for happiness

Happiness is something which is the ultimate goal of our all actions. Everyone has his own reasons and meaning of happiness. Some get it by achieving goal in race of life while some have no significant reason for it and it’s just a natural outcome for them. But do happiness needs a reason all the time?
Not Alone!

Many times people around me make me feel like that I am very different from others but don’t know it leads to a very weird kind a feeling in me, a feeling to be very alone in this world! Some say, I am very complex, some say I take things too easy and straight forward, others question, why so critical at many instances????...it’s too much confusing and mind boggling to think it all and often very much ironic at same time. I got a call today, a friend telling such kind of things, told to him by someone today which has surprised me for all about once again. Any how now when I am on net, reading and commenting to blog of others I find that atleast I am not a lone thinker of my kind and probably I am between peoples with other kind of life shade and who aren’t able to understand me. Thus a feeling of not alone is atleast good and sufficient for me and definitely a confidence building.
Speaking Eyes

Its long after when again I remind about an incidence of my Hyderabad tour in Jan’06. It was time when we myself and Kankana were traveling in a local train from Ramgundam to Kazipet in our way to Hyderabad. It was really a beggar–full route and as usual as soon we started out our journey few of them went through us. Soon one ammaji was before us with miserable face saying something in Telugu I was Hindi-speaker and the other the Bengali one were not able to understand what she was speaking about but as we all know Action speaks louder than voice and non of us were deaf enough to misunderstand, I tried to neglect her as it was getting too many now. But this time Kankana started prompting me saying, you should see in her eyes!. so she made us to give her too something too for her eye reading. It was not something yet to discuss about but soon after when after taking a round in coach not even 10mins later she was back before us with same desire. I smiled but controlled my emotion to say anything, and as she can’t understand us non us tried to tell her that we have already given her the money…any how she went to next after sometime. But it was not her last appearance and was before us in next few minutes.. this time my feelings busted out to ask Kankana Can you read her eyes yet? and now u should tell her through your language of eyes that we have already given her whatever we could by now. This incidence gave us all the concept of language of eyes and a question too…Do eyes really speak?
Sound of Silence!

It is really awkward to say something on this topic but thinking deeply it means a lot and why not if hours could be spent making big sensible speech on “zero” by Swami Vivekananda. We all have a surrounding of silence and also a core of silence of inner self, but beyond that we have a great deal for it when we need to relax ourselves.
Apart from this, silence has its own virtues which sometime make people even more complex than the extrovert gregarious persons in the world and whom I say having “Sound of Silence!”. One can hardly define himself but many times I have been told to that same person by people around me. Any how its there view and I enjoy it.
Khamosi ka haasil bhi, ek lambi si khamosi hai /
Unki baat suni bhi hamne, apni baat sunai bhi //
Self Control or Self Denial

There are several things in this world that are having very small margin between them, out of which few are illusion of eyes while some are illusion of mind, some are notoriously know to all while some are little known. Like people often talk of love and infatuation, worldliness and materialism. The great things about we Indians is that if you give a chance to speak upon such topics a person who is definitely unaware of what to talk about will talk most and will show his most confidence over his view.
But let us come to the point out of one such issue that isn’t it common that on the name of self control most of time the time we are prohibitedly indulge in the practice of self-denial. We are all time careful about having the self control and can’t be said that it’s a vague habit because that is really something which we often come to learn about when we come across the thing several time in life and there is chance of excess. As also told by Kabir Das ji:
Ati ka bhala na bolana, ati ki bhali na choop/
Ati ka bhala na barasana, ati ki bhali na dhoop//
Also there are chances that we don’t have the chances to learn upon as there is no chance to retake. But even after that because of such possibilities we can’t let all the time having so called control over self to deny our desire at some very critical occasion. There is a truth that, one gets life once! and we can’t loose the chance to get his part of happiness in his style all the time. We all are living in the age when everyone has a great pressure of performance and that is the cause of success too but on the other hand we are having it all on the cost of some great sacrifice of our regular happiness and thus we all need a boost to our poignant mind. So definitely the new generation motto is, Work hard, Party harder!
Gaining the ground

As far as gaining knowledge is concern my B.Tech. studies were just like grazing in barren land. All the time when I was in and after the completion of my degree I was struggling because of lack of knowledge and often proved unaware of things without which now I come to know that no one should dare to tell that he or she is a engineering graduate. But now when I have a little time and great motivation by the new scene I am trying to get back to my ground, and trying to get to the knowledge which I should have gained years back. In the new world when all where is a cut-throat competition we can’t expect ourselves to be gaining success at our stake unless we have a great potential of knowledge and self-confidence boosted because of it.
3-D World ?

The concept of 4th dimension by Einstein and currently by Hawkins is not as old as the 3-D world and has lot much uncertainty but even 3-D world is not properly solved. The nonlinearity of real systems and the complexities of the natural approximations are although better defined now but very often when we have to go through the real model of the system we find that the mathematics which we have developed through hard work and genius effort of many known and lot many anonymous pathfinders is still not sufficient and sometime if saying truly “blunt and futile”.May be me not the fully capable body to make such a comment but most of the time when I see into different biological system in biochemical, metabolic and various engineering processes and I need to define or to make mathematical model of it most often I find that it is highly imperfect and mostly because of unavailability of a suitably correlating mathematical template for it. Although much help has been done by the tools like MATLAB and the new generation fuzzy and genetic algorithm in defining a system to a better degree of approximation in new mathematics but still lot more work is needed to be done.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Money for Motivation

Sucess has its own taste, and the most universal one. but every sucess has a sweated labour and the most importantly the motivation bihind it but the most wasted question lies in the depth of the sucess that, what is the source of this motivation for a adult? Its a inner consience or someting else. This thought come into mind while reading a interview of Jhon Abraham wh was saying that money has nothing to do with his motivation. He may be true or may not be. But is it possible for a world where years ago was written that "Dhanad-dharmam-tatah-sukam" in sankrit litratrature to say that money is nothing to matter about.I feel its pretty hard to image of it and some time a arrogant statement. Infact Happy in new world has its one way through money...there are few things which money can't buy......
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Sorry to Me
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Rare So We Care
Dunia jese kahtein hai jadu ka khilona hai!
mil jaye to mitti hai, kho jaye to sona hai!!
In this race to gain the most of the part f magic momments for us in the life we try hard and most of the time stay unsucessful of some reasons...n say
Sacch ye hai bekkar hamein gam hota hai!
Jo chaha tha duniya mein kum hota hai!!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Experience of gold

"Experience is like a comb that life gives you when you are bald", this comment by Navjot Singh Siddhu in a live commentary was although a great fun to listen about in match against India and Sri lanka years back, but it had a greart truth hiding in which always facinated about in real life conditions and made me think of that fancy comment. Some people people get their way in their own style -the innovators but the key lies in the riddle that, are they sufficient to take their own decision, even when they can get an easy advice in their decision making? and should such a risk be taken and till what cost?
I think that there should be no shame to take advice and on the other side this advice should only guide you to take sincere risk in innovative decision making. After all talking in language of commerce, profit is the sum earmed on risk taken.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Shall be or Shall not be?
I miss you too much. when i joined IERT i was really casual but now when i am much away from all of the scene i really feel like missing it all , like golden moments in which i had least partnership... feeling jealous, but was my fate. chalo yaar nothing to get out of it...so trying to be of my present. get chance to listen Ghazals even too less... sitting in hell...as said here " we sweat so we shine" fandu naa..
Jhooti sacchi aas pe jina akhir kab tak kab tak aakhir..
by the way kise ko kya pharak pardta hai...
Monday, February 13, 2006
Punch it

My exams are on the way but like always i am poorly worried of it, wasting most of my time with my books of interst and hot discussions. but still it looks that working hard in studies smells out of me that every one says Ashish i am really impressed out of your sincere approch. lets see how long i get sucess in maintaining this Andhera. Good that its a positive image but lets see how long! Long way to go....
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Yes we can change it!
Monday, January 30, 2006
How Hard to Confess

We all never loose a chance to prove overself right in all discussions..but all discussions have a limit and at last one one is right, like one any thing true has nothing to add or to substract about and if done so it doesn't remain true. So where are all loosers to go about, are they ready to accept the new? that they aren't right? and they need to change?
But that is not the case we all become brittle and say no, may be the other person is right but even i am not wrong. but is it possible?
Is it as hard to confess?
yes, it looks all where..
Monday, January 23, 2006
Managers Only
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Race to be Robinhood

Today I was watching "hard talk" a discussion program on television on Quality of Serials In Present Time when a S.O.P. producer understanding himself to be saying some thing very great that, I produced some good serials for television why you watch my ruin program just switch it off and see what you like. When I heard, my mind straight forwardedly started thinking of all corrupt people and dacoits who do their entire ill job on the name of some associated social work and public welfare. In the period when our society is going through transition and there is befuddlement all over these people who were eating up society like cancer were what less when these new generations Robinhoods are ready to put a new challenge.
Bigger is better?

Achievements have no limits and so does the dis- achievement. We all think of even bigger than what we have with us. And that’s the human tendency which makes us to get greater height all time and this is the greatness of humanity. Professionalism is getting into life and giving new definitions to relations of heart even. Now packaged idealism is flowing into our home through television and all sources what it can and we are easily enjoying it like a addict …But where is this rat race going to end, beating heart has to face a fatigue…Known mind still can’t get out in it and how can? I am a human…
Chehre pe mal raha hoon syahi naseeb ki
Aeena haath mein hai sikander nahi hoon mai....
Manaa ki mustekhak se bardh kar nahi hoon mai...
Lekin hwaa ke rehmo- karam pe nahi hoon mai...
(mirza galib)
Thursday, January 19, 2006
How Long to Travel About

Life if a journey and learning ends by life is one of those teachings which we listen from our elderly people in day today life but is it going to where all roads end. We all have desire to be happy in all life but on the other face we see that most of the people crush out of game of life struggling in the whole life. I was reading “Art Of Loving” one of the world best-seller last year would like to quote one comment from book that ‘Indian don’t know the grandeur of life, As they born struggling keep struggling whole life n lastly die struggling’. I was mock by this comment but now by days I am finding it very true. The color of joy, the Masti of Bhakti to Bhang all are just meant to forget their pain of struggle for a moment n that’s why people are confine to take the opium of religion, that someday! someone! From somewhere! will come and get them out of all troubles…time getting bigger than last breaths of millions.
Monday, January 16, 2006
28 hrs far and 6 months away !

I was in Hyderabad last week traveling in my T-shirt when it was hard to imagine that this is month of January and News Channels again n again roaring that it’s coldest in last 70 years.
I being a north Indian my mother called me to say Beta! You should use your warm clothes n stay cautious in such a situation n it was becoming harder for me to make her believe that its pretty hot here. And finally my date to be back to Delhi come when I got my train at 6:30 pm which reached Delhi at 10 pm next day. Shivering with cold in my to jacket when I got out of my coach it was my first response that it is 28 hrs far and 6 months away I have traveled in last journey.
Me n You too*

Cheers! Happy 2006 to me and you too…
crept in with great silence in my home as I am alone.
Chupke se sun is pal ki dhun!.....Kuch sunai de toh hamein bhi batana...
.....it’s already 3:30 in morn so i am also going to sleep....
The last line of last ghazhal which I am listening comes to my ears
“Ab sukoon hai to bhulne mein hai ; warna us saksa ko bhulae kon..”
Kon sa saksa? Kaisa saksa?? Ab aur nahi.
Bye to
Me n you too!
Is this The Right Way!

Today an anonymous note coming in my mind saying…If there is any single thing which has hurtened the humanity most is definitely the RELIGION!
Still in the age of rising modernity in India there must be no doubt that market of Pseudo- moralism is growing at even much higher rate than our annual economic growth rate. I was talking to a person in attached with one such institution…saying “we are the only one who have the right idea for Mukti (freedom from all worldly attractions) n once you will come to know about our Guruji’s preaching all worldly pleasures will distaste you.” I am not a person with attachment with any institution n have a very little understanding of these belief so my straight forward question to him was, what really your Mukti is? n what is the need of mukti? Aren’t you doing well with current status? I said we are very much same to our computer n unlike it we also have some weaknesses n but strengths too. Suppose, one morning when you wake up n start your computer, it starts giving message “I need Mukti!!!” what will happen then? Definitely you will say there’s some virus in the system n you will hurry up to disconnect it from network to stop it from spreading. We are the best creation of god like computers are ours n we all are here to play our great role. So, same thing we do when we start of talking about such malicious matter which deviate us from of original work for which we are destined so it the right path? My questions remained unanswered as he was in hurry to rush to his office…..no time for Mukti, ironically!!!