Monday, April 24, 2006

Business of fear

Trade and commerce is developing definately all round in the developing world and so thus the business in all respective fields. But there is one business which has grown up much beyond any other business in the world. And that is Business of Fear! When I say this I mean it to be all the activities going on the name of spritualism and unto the superstitions.
No doubt we have developed most in last 50 years in compare to the rate of last 2000 years of indian history, and so does the human worries. When worries are there, they always need a solution. This only need of solution have been harvested most by people who understand the fear and know how to encash it.
The need of hour is to develop at mental front and to combat such powers with strong willpower instead of becoming their victim.

Running Fast!

Life is a race! We all running for our noble causes, fast-very fast but towards the dead end. In this fast running life, where few gains are more important than several losses we don’t have the option to stop, can’t even think of it, will be regarded as cowardice act! And with our limited options we try to make our-self achiever of unknown, non-self world where most of our activities we have no reasons. So the only way remains is Running fast…Lets see how long…

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Where is moderator

Some say of god, some believe in self. Some say the Guru, and for rest it all like a comment "no comment" when you ask of who is the moderator and where? This is most mind-storming question comes to me all the time.
I personnaly feel that the entire system is much like a spider's net, where no single thread is the main stream how hard it is or what ever oreintation it has. It may shear out if you break or disbeleave one but it can never break it all. And if it is so, how can one be a moderator if he is a thread too. It is going too much complex, let me ease it out....if someone is moderator of all and than no one can go without him, and there is no chance of disbelief, no chance of disorder if he is true creator because no creator will like to get his creation curroupted.
Now the thread weaver is definately someone to who looks like God the supposed creater, but is he the someone creator may be for his own cause (again the matter of someone corrupted by power and ambition) than how he is moderater....too tough...trapped in net!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Fight For Self Intrest

Life has a purpose for all and it goes for achievement in all fields. No one wants, himself looking to be failing at any occasion, and thats right too. But, this all for what? No one other but mostly for ourself! and why is the all race there to portray self as a saint of humanity if this all prayer to please the self? The concept of maternal and eternal happiness only has guided everyone from Sansarik to Sansyashi! then where is the charity. Everyone busy in making his favour! no Gita! No Goodwill without expectation of gain!