Saturday, December 12, 2015

Tolerance limit

I read a nice post from Sundar Pichai on, about growing intolerance and Islamophobia in the new world.
He suggested that, let's not let fear defeat our values of coexistence. I think no sane person can disagree to this neither can support the American paranoia, but it cannot be denied that this fear is tangible. It is not a mere coincidence that thousands of youth across the world watch some propaganda videos by IS calling them on the name of the same book which is available everywhere and they leave the comfort of their lives to become terrorist. Is it difficult to identify that material which allows these youth to get attracted? No, and since people can identify this present around them, fear is obvious! People who bear this material have only two choices either they stop its misuse or give up the material. It's not they are all helpless, their religion has the biggest gathering every year in Mecca. They can all sit together to re-establish the correct and concrete meaning of Kuran which cannot be used for terror activities. Unless they do it, they will be seen as the carrier of "fear material" and the world cannot be tolerant to them.

Friday, November 20, 2015

भूख बड़ी या टमाटर दाल

कल भारत सरकार ने नए वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशें स्वीकृत करलीं। बड़ी ख़ुशी की बात है की कुछ टाइम से होना भी शुरू हुआ देश में। अर्थव्यवथा जानने वालों का कहना है की इससे बाजार में और पैसा आएगा क्यूंकि क्रय शक्ति बढ़ेगी, और सामान्य भाषा में मैं कहूँ तो अब सरकारी कर्मचारी ज्यादा दाल-टमाटर खा-खिला सकेंगे। जब ऐसी खबरें समाचार चैनलों पर उछाल लगाती होती तब मेरे मन ये सवाल अक्सर उथता है - उनका क्या जिनका टमाटर दाल की चिंता नहीं पर पेट भर खाना ही संघर्ष है।  मैं उनकी बात कर रहा हूँ जिनको देश की सहृदय जनता और कंपनिया सरकारी न्यूनतम मजदूरी तक देने से बचना चाहती हैं. क्या सरकार सिर्फ सरकारी कर्चारियों के टमाटर दाल का इंतजाम करने के लिए होती है? क्या जिनको जीवन की सामान्य जरूरतें पूरी करने भर भी पैसे नहीं मिल पा रहे पूरा दिन काम करने के बाद भी, उनकी परवाह कौन करेगा? 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Making a bigger line

In childhood, we often listen to this puzzle that how to make a larger line smaller without rubbing it off. And, the method is to make a larger line next to it. It seems people in Indian mass media have recalled this. They tried their level best to paint the current PM black when he was trying to be a candidate in the direction of their bosses. They failed miserably. He came to power and changed the entire discourse from daily debates on corruption and name-shaming to development. This was a shock for these people and they tried to align but neither they were accepted with the same glory as by the previous govt. nor they were capable of such alignment with development debate. To be critical of the agenda of development, one needs to have some knowledge of science, economics, history, etc. These guys with mediocre knowledge and jack-based uplifting found it very difficult, in fact absolutely unbearable. All they know is spoken English and who is their real boss. So, not knowing what to do brought them to their childhood lesson, Make A Bigger Line, i.e. inflate agendas of their scope bigger than the development issues. With the help of some of their likes, they have made the agenda of communal tension, beef, and freedom of speech. Wow, now no need to know the science, economics, and history, life can go on as before! But let's see, how long..let them try this as well!

Found a tweet with a very similar feeling...

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Rational of rationalism

India is going through an enormous transition after the victory of PM Modi. People who occupied the mainstream to reap all fruits and favors of "democracy" and "secularism" in the past are now being sidelined. But, that's not easy because the money and positions they acquired over the years are now being used for repositioning to be a part of the race called "rationalist." And, the first step started with the blame that the voice of rationalist writers like Narendra Dabholkar and Govind Pansare have been silenced by the new regime (although one was killed when the previous government was in power). Thus, it is crucial to see what is this so-called "rationalist" about and why this gang has chosen this title. In India, a rationalist is who "speaks/writes" about flaws of religion on different forums, write in English (damn the local reform, the world should know my liberation first) and often chased by some religious fringe (as most of the population doesn't care for religion). But, huh! There is a Taslima Nasreen with all these qualities, is she be included? No, not al all! She defies the essential requirement to be the rationalist by finding flaws of Islam, the religion of peace all over the world.

No Islam and Christianity, because then the majority of people will come to know that we are not the worse, we can also rise with our good deeds. The way this so-called rationalist community has kept this lady away from their community and maintained their anti-Hindu agenda made them the best-qualified group to join for people who left India suffering for the last 65 years despite independence. They know that the day India will come to know its identity and start feeling proud of its strength and not named by its weaknesses, it will work to restore its glory and remove the ills. This will make them out of power, no slaves, no money! So, it's better to keep telling the majority of people you have got nothing good, it's better to be the rationalist.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Cleanliness drive and Indian reality

PM started his big cleanliness drive on Independence Day and everyone theoretically appreciated it. But, most of the Indians lack civic sense so much that they don't even realise what they are doing to their surrounding. They sit in clean place, litter around and walk out as if someone else should take care of all. They train their children the same. There were some people who do care about and exist like exception but as an old saying that a rotten fish is enough to make the whole pond dirty, their exception can't make any difference. What a filthy creatures, but we need to live with them!