Friday, August 05, 2011

Problem of Satisfied Civilisation

India as a civilisation, which had great history of innovation and conceptualisation has acted like dumb in last 500 years. We have been suffering from food-to-mouth disease for all these centuries despite of all pride carried from past. Lot of changes happened in society; some were to counter its own anomalies developed in these days but lesser were driven by internal will power to make a mark. We are taught right from basics that “Santosham paramam sukham” (Contentment is the highest bliss) and sooner or later we all learn to believe it. Some places its a good teaching, but who is going to tell not all. What is not good in life should not be answered always with contentment, we need to find the solution. This lack for effort often lead to solutions of our problem by others unrelated which lacks effectiveness. Local problems always need local solutions or atleast customization of global solution. Our constitution is one good example of one such solution which is good but how many holes are there we all see in daily life. As a satisfied customer we couldn't find even the right solutions, and fail to explore the possibilities in the right perspective.
Therefore we as a civilisation it is time for us to keep our learnings of contentment aside to become discontent and find solutions for our problems. Problems like hunger, drought, corruption, flood and mis-management of natural resources cannot be solved without local initiative. We can find the solution of all the problem if we can find the solution to the problem of satisfied civilisation.

1 comment :

Unknown said...

Good one Ashish. Somewhere we have taken Santosham paramam sukham as a reason of not moving ahead and living in the dreams of the past. I hope people find a new meaning in the proverb than finding it a reason to support their self nominated norms.