Thursday, October 06, 2011

Jobs-less world

Sometime back while an interview in NASSCOM Bangalore Guy Kawasaki, Former chief evangelist of Apple Computers said that statistically speaking India should have atleast four Steve Jobs. Since then and now, when world has lost its one and only Steve Jobs, the question remains that what makes Steve Jobs...the determination for perfection or something else? Very contradicting views and answers to this can be found from his pre-success colleagues. But one thing can be said about Steve's life without controversy that his life path extraordinarily tortuous, esp. to be a world class technology entrepreneur when he was busy looking for spiritual visit to India in a age when we all learn basics of science and technology. Whatever! his fair existence and impact to the world was not just a chance or a miracle; he was great in all what he did. He was certainly and extraordinary visionary to beat all the extraordinarily tortuous paths of his life. Apple computers in guidance of Jobs sold the dreams, the i-Dreams in form of products which could have only been the dream without him.
Job's world will miss you as an entrepreneur, as a visionary and a person who can inspire many more!

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