Monday, June 18, 2012

Villain-less Life

We all hunt for a beautiful life, something which is worth and worry-less, i.e. without an obstacle or villain. Other-side in story-books and celluloid, we always have stories with a challenge and a challenging villain, without which it is boring. It looks quite the opposite side of our character, but it somehow connects to our sub-conscious behavior in life. How sweet spoken or jolly person I have met, I have never seen a person who has allergy for somebody. And worse is that when somehow if that villain of their life is gone, they make a new one from a new space. So, I feel that we like it or not, none of us can live without a villain. May be to keep the journey in pursuit of happiness going as there is no fun in a Villain-less life.

1 comment :

Unknown said...

Raavan nahi to kaise Ram :)