Saturday, November 20, 2010

Why India lacks innovation

Corruptions news are hot cakes for news channels to keep them running and these stories are been watched nothing different from the 24 hr Ramanyan display anymore. But behind this all corruption and money, a huge social pull-back is also there which brings a question. What is happening, why we don't have innovation except in the field of corruption. After globalization, enormous amount of money has flooded in India; a lot people touched it and lot rest atleast smelled it. This smellers lot is the middle class of India, which is ready to be rich at any cost. In any nation this is the class which drives the wheel of innovation, by daring to look the world in a different perspective. A sense of nothing to loose and to gain the real vigor of life brings the thrust in it. But this is not working in India as it should be. Lot of easy money has come and along with the shine of money, which has spread a puesdo supply-demand equations. Surprised to see a country where only few decades back majority of people were living all life to improve the afterlife are busy ironically turned otherway around. Kabir has summed it up all in two lines, ages ago.
Kanak kanak te sau guni, madhakta adhikay.
Ja khaye boraye nar ba paye boray.
(Gold/riches are a hundred times more addictive than drugs.
Drugs make us crazy only when ingested, but riches, merely by having them).

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