Thursday, January 12, 2012

Coexistance n relationships

I have always thought about myself and others as individual about what is purpose of life, but a thought came of co-existance. Why for some relations despite of same roots don't share the closeness in long run, while the other despite of great divergence converge to be one happily. In public life its the relatively simple to be purely selfish and profitable relationship which always works till both are enough befitting if not equal. Some of them break this rule and move to a next level of closer relationship- the convergence. But what about those which emerged together, shared the warmth but got separated with time. I think somewhere it happens due to lack of vision. Vision which stops us to see the other person as another individual with his/her own quality, choices and priorities. When people forget that the other person is not me, all these look like conflict and every single action is unforgivable assault. No choice left accept divergence. But do not forget..Forgiving doesn't make the person who hurt you feel better, it would have and will make YOU feel better! 

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